About Us

Let Us Play (charity Number 1104506) has been providing between 300 and 400 sessions per year of craft, leisure and sport activities for children with Special Needs and Disabilities (SEND) since 2003. We support children between the ages of 5 – 19 and currently work with over 120 families.
We provide a huge range of activities which are adaptable to the individual needs of the children present. We offer 4 hour Saturday sessions on average 3 times a month, usually with lunch provided.
We offer after school cycling sessions on Monday evenings during term time. We provide extra sessions during school holidays. These provide invaluable respite time for parents,
Where possible we encourage adults with disabilities to volunteer to support us in our work with children. We run fortnightly parents groups where our parents meet for crafts, walks, meals and a time to refresh their batteries.
How we are funded

Our biggest spend every year is our much anticipated ‘Summer Play-Scheme’ which costs approximately £10,000.00 and provides on average 18 fun packed days which more than 150 children attend.
You can always show your support by donating on our Virgin Money Giving Page.